Welcome to my blog!

I'm so glad you found me!

The Ultimate Fashionista blog was started in 2012 as creative outlet to share my personal style, outfit ideas, fashion tips, and a small piece of me with the world.  My main goal is to reach as many people as I can to help them create and refine their own personal style.

Style is my business and I love exploring all the venues in getting my message across.  I hope that my blog becomes a resource for many.  I look forward to the challenge of sharing my personal style perspectives with an interactive audience. 

I hope it will inspire you and thank you in advance for all your love and support!



From the Blog

Recappng the triFABB meet up and Southern Women’s Show

April was such a phenomenal month!  I had a golden opportunity to be a part of the Southern Women’s Show Raleigh.  If you’ve never heard of it before, it’s the huge 3 day event which showcases garments, cosmetics and beauty products.  It also focuses on apparel and fashion accessories, beauty and fragrance, confections and gift assortments, womens sports teams, dating services, fitness & equipment, gems and jewelry, gifts and handicrafts, sporting goods, toys and games industries, and more. Needless to say, I was super excited to not only attend the show for the first time, but also model in triFABB “Dressing For You!” Fashion Show, hosted by blogger friend Molly Stillman, of stillbeingmolly. The fun began with the triFABB Blogger meet up at the Jim Graham Building on the NC State Fair Grounds on the Thursday evening before the Southern Woman’s Show began.  What made this meet up so cool was it took place right beside the main fashion stage, so we had a chance to take a sneak peek of the stage as well as rehearse for the show. The delicious food such as chicken strips, pita bread, tossed salads, and refreshing beverages were provided by PDQ and Zoe’s. The swag bags were absolutely fabulous and featured all types of fancy gifts, such as a three-tiered Bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes, tons of fragrance and beauty items from Belk, a bottle of wine from Little Black Dress Wines, and all sorts of other goodies. The next three days of the Southern Women’s Show were beyond words! Have you ever been to a fashion show and loved the... read more

Vacation Resorts to Pattern Mixing

Is it just me or are you dying for a getaway? This year has been flying by and I’ve been so ready for a break lately!  Upon deciding to take a quick and much-needed short stay away, I needed to pull some casual outfits together for my trip.  Sure I could play it safe and match up a few solid pieces and call it a day, but why do that when I can mix up a few patterns and look even more spectacular? For a fun resort look, I pulled together a jacket and blouse with two different patterns. There are reasons why this looks just works.  If you will notice, both pieces share white as a similar color, which is one technique to follow when mixing patterns.  The second reason is both pieces share the same type of striped patterned print.   There is also another mix going on that is not so obvious, which is the mix between a tailored jacket, and flowing ruffled blouse. The next time you want a different look, don’t let the fear of mixing patterns leave you perplexed.  Just remember the tips I shared above and you will be well on your way!  I challenge you to experiment with mixing plaids, florals, paisleys, polka-dots and strips. Have fun! 🙂   Here are the outfit details: Blazer:  Rafaella, Similar here:  Yoox Top:  Cache, Similar here: Modcloth Pants:  Joie Skinny Cropped Jeans, Similar here: OldNavy Shoes:  BCBGeneration Candiss Platform Wedge Sandal,  heels.com Handbag:  Nine West It Girl Tote, Similar here: HenriBendel Love, The Ultimate... read more

Get in Shape with a Geometric Print

Liven up your wardrobe with a bold geometric print! Geometric prints are fun, exciting and eye-catching.  The boldness of these prints allow anyone wearing them to stand out, which is why they are one of my favorites.  I love mixing geometric prints but it’s a good idea to remember that eyes need some place to rest.  Too many or the wrong prints mixed together can look like a disaster. I decided to keep this look simple, which works well for daytime.  Since the geometric cropped pants already make a statement, I toned down the pattern with a classic mint blazer which adds a pop of color, and solid black shoes.  For accessories, I chose the same color tones as the overall palette of my outfit. If mixing prints is too much, try a similar look of integrating one geometric piece at a time.  Just remember to have fun with it! Here are the outfit details: Blazer:  Jules & Leopold, Similar here:  Sheinside or Maurices Pants:  Harolds , Similar here:  Neiman Marcus Last Call Shoes:  Michael Kors Espadrille Wedge Sandal, Similar here:  Nordstrom Handbag:  Elie Tahari , Similar here:  ebags Love, The Ultimate... read more

Bohemian Tribal Chic

I got lucky shopping one day when I stumbled upon this tribal-inspired statement necklace.  When I first saw it, I thought it was fun right off the bat, but wasn’t sure what I was going to wear it with.  This stunning beauty has a Native American flair and bright bold colors.  I’ve always had a deep appreciation for tribal jewelry, but statement pieces I like are hard to find. I decided it would be best paired with a simple dress to make it pop, and fringed heels to keep with the bohemian theme.  Selecting the right accessories is just as important as the entire outfit.  I’m personally a fan of edgier accessories and love purchasing fashion jewelry at a low-cost.  This necklace only cost $20, but still doesn’t look cheap and is the perfect statement piece for the summer. A tribal statement necklace is a great way to infuse international style within your wardrobe, and add instant drama. The outfit details are below. Necklace:  T.J. Maxx (sold out) Similar here http://lajewelryplaza.com/coin-charm-fringe-statement-necklace-set-p-28774.html?osCsid=ad89c739e9f53e1de697370fdc11c90f Dress:  French Connection http://usa.frenchconnection.com/?cmpid=ppc_goog_usa_kwd1005 Shoes:  JustFAB (sold out) Similar here http://www.justfab.com/products/SOSHA-DA1510915-0001?show_feedback_float=false and here http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/steve-madden-fringly-sandal-women/3925320?origin=category-personalizedsort&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=Blue+Suede&resultback=3381 Clutch:  Elaine Turner  http://www.elaineturner.com/Clutch-s/1880.htm?searching=Y&sort=5&cat=1880&show=300&page=1&gclid=CKDOo82kgcUCFdgWgQodbBgASQ Sunglasses:  Dolce & Gabbana  http://www.dolcegabbana.com/ Make up:  Reveal Cosmetics  http://www.revealcosmeticsonline.com/ Love, The Ultimate... read more

Spectacular night at The Southern Blog Society Meet Up

Last night I had a blast with the fabulous girls of The Southern Blog Society for a Meet Up at Kendra Scott in Durham, NC.   The event was organized by Nikki Richardson of Bedazzles After Dark blog and Emily of Life With Emily Blog. It was so exciting to see everyone, and finally meet some of the gorgeous bloggers I follow and talk to, but never had a chance to meet face to face.  While chatting we enjoyed delicious treats and cocktails, and also previewed Kendra Scott’s new Via Maya 2015 Summer line.  I have my eye on several statement necklaces that I plan on adding to my wardrobe. There was a mini photo booth, and the amazing Em Grey from Em Grey Photography snapping photos.  I felt so much love from these talented group of girls who constantly are the source of my inspiration. This was such a fun night!!!  I can’t wait until the next one! Love, The Ultimate... read more

Girl’s Night Out with Pearls for Lupus Team

Yesterday evening I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of an amazing event entitled Girl’s Night Out with Pearls for Lupus, held at Charming Charlie located right outside The Triangle Town Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Charming Charlie is an American retailer, established in 2004 that sells women’s apparel and accessories, including jewelry, sunglasses, scarves, purses, wallets, clothes, shoes, and other items.   The event which was a fundraiser to raise money for The Lupus Foundation, was spearheaded by Crystal Harkless, the daughter of my good friend Carolyn Horton.  Carolyn is one of the founding members of “Pearls for Mommy Book Club”, which began in 1999 as a group of women who loved to read and wanted to share that love of reading, coupled with their thoughts and insights, with others.   Although I’ve been a member for years, I must admit I don’t always have time to stay active in the club; however, the Pearls kindly allow me to stay 🙂   Most recently the Pearls became famous, as they were featured in The News and Observer on Triangle Reads (What local book clubs are up to).  Here’s the link: http://www.newsobserver.com/entertai…/…/article15450053.html. When I was asked to participate and provide fashion advice for the event, I graciously accepted.  Carolyn as well as several other close friends are fighting Lupus, so I have a personal interest in helping to raise money and more awareness about the disease.  Last month at my First Annual Big Hat Brunch, I decided to feature Lupus as my charity of choice.  Carolyn attended and talked to the ladies as well as provided knowledge and answered... read more

Purple Reign

Purple has always been one of my favorite colors!  It makes an elegant and strong fashion statement, and coincidentally also happens to be the name of one of my favorite songs and movies by my favorite artist. 🙂 Could it be because it screams royalty, and there are so many ways to dress it up? For spring you will see various shades of purple hit the runway and beauty scene.   Here’s a look at a fun outfit I pulled together using this majestic color! I love mixing purple with other rich color jewel tones because it creates a very lush look.  It also looks good with metallic and whites.  I chose a magenta purple because of my warmer complexion; however, a cooler skin tone should go for a purple that has a blue or gray hue. The outfit deets are below: Shirt: The Limited  http://www.thelimited.com/ Necklace:  J.Crew  https://www.jcrew.com/index.jsp Leather Jacket: J’Envie  http://www.jenvie.com/index.html Skirt: Old Navy  http://oldnavy.gap.com/? Shoes: Guess  http://www.guess.com/en/ Purse: Zac Posen  http://www.zacposen.com/   I hope you have a lovely weekend! The Ultimate... read more

There’s so much to be thankful for, so it’s easy to smile

Happy Friday Loves! Disclaimer:  I felt like changing it up a bit!  This post is totally impromptu and unrelated to fashion.   This week has been full of gratitude for me, and I wanted to share why.  With all that’s going on in the world today and in our day to day personal lives, it’s easy to get overwhelmed sometimes.  I must admit, over the past few weeks I’ve been feeling more tired than usual, which I still attribute to daylight savings time and losing that one hour of sleep.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it 🙂 Seriously speaking though, this is the time of year when the weather starts to warm up and I start to feel a little burnt out and ready for a break.  They don’t call it Spring Break out of coincidence.   Not seeing an opportunity for relieve in sight, I initially started to be a bit discouraged, and then I started focusing more on the positive aspects as to why I was so busy.  Once I refocused and realized how blessed I am to even have an opportunity to be busy chasing my dreams and doing the things I love, my thoughts turned into being grateful. There’s so much to be thankful for, so it’s easy to smile!   This week has been a great reminder for me to not lose sight of my blessings, no matter what the circumstance.  If you’re dealing with something similar, I hope it serves as encouragement for you too.         Top: Monkee’s of Raleigh  http://www.monkeesofraleigh.com/ Jeans: Paige Premium Denim  http://www.paige.com/ Shoes: JustFab  http://www.justfab.com/index.cfm?action=home.boutique#tab_bombshell I... read more

Styling and Profiling! Why not?

There’s nothing wrong with having self-confidence if you look nice, feel like you have it together, and know it. I don’t believe clothes make the person.  I believe clothes should enhance the person…. but have you ever wondered what other people see when they look at you, or wondered how your profile looks to them from all angles?  How would you know if you don’t have a full-length view of your entire ensemble?  This is simple, but not always obvious. As a personal stylist, I frequently work with clients who have no full length mirror.  While an outfit may look appealing in the front, it may not always be the case in the back, and vise versa. It’s best to be able to judge an outfit in its entirety, instead of hoping the top half works with the bottom half.   A full length mirror is an easy fix that could eliminate wardrobe malfunctions not easily seen, plus provide a way to see your full silhouette.  I consider it a must have for everyone. Sweater: Arden B Jacquard Trousers: Laundry by Shelli Segal Shoes: Virgem Madre Have a great weekend! Love, The Ultimate... read more