From left to right, myself with Alisha Nicole of The Alisha Nicole (www.thealishanicole.com and www.earlyaugust.com), Kierra Leggett of So Sophisticated (sophistakated1992.blogspot.com), and Corbin Tate of Classy South Blog (www.classysouthblog.com)

The Sangria was one of the best types I ever had

It was my first time meeting Alisha and Kierra, but it seemed as if we knew each other forever

How cool is it to get a photo with your photographer? I smile every time I see this photo of me with Em Grey of Em Grey Photography (http://www.em-grey.com/). Can you feel the LOVE I have for this girl? I love everything about her! Not only is she truly gifted and will bring out the best in your photos; more importantly she has a heart of GOLD!
This was such a fun night!!! I can’t wait until the next one!
The Ultimate Fashionista